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Intro to Meditation

Fridays at 1:00am

About this Class

This class is for you if you have been on the fence about what meditation is or how it is done. Maybe you have a perception that it should look a certain way or be a certain way. We will explore topics such as how to create space for meditation, various types of meditation, how build positive meditation habits. If you're new to meditation or returning to meditation with a beginners mind and looking for a place to start, this class is for you! The class will begin with an introduction to the theme for class that day, follow with a short meditation, and end with some optional open discussion about your meditation questions and experiences. Recommended props: meditation cushion, pillow, bolster or chair

No Experience Required

This class is appropriate for all students with all experience levels, including new and beginner students who are still learning the basics.

Gentle, Still

Gentle, almost no movement.

🎥 Camera-On Classes

We require all students to have their camera ON for the duration of class. This is for a few reasons: for the safety of all students, and for the teacher to be able to give in the moment feedback and support.

🎥 Camera-On Classes

We require all students to have their camera ON for the duration of class. This is for a few reasons: for the safety of all students, and for the teacher to be able to give in the moment feedback and support.

Meet Your Teacher

Dominic StanleyJoined January 2021

Dominic found yoga after his deployment to Iraq. He started his journey taking classes to improve his anxiety & flexibility and found the inner work to be profound. This experience motivated him to want to share the practice and become a teacher. Dominic's training consists of Barkan Yoga (Bikram Lineage), Ashtanga/Rocket, Level 1 Warrior & Ease, Level 1 iRest Yoga Nidra, and MsFRC mobility coaching. When he is not on the mat he is balancing family life and military commitments.

Learn more

What Students Are Saying

Kathleen G

A great experience! I found myself very appreciative of being able just to breathe - to be able to not judge or make assumptions about whether or not I was doing it correctly. I gave myself permission to enjoy the experience!

Jan 25, 2024

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