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Michael Lee

Joined Ompractice August 2019

Michael Lee, M.A., Dip.Soc.Sci., C-IAYT, is the Founder of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, a leading edge yoga based modality for psycho-emotional well-being and an IAYT Accredited Program. He has traveled the world teaching and presenting at conferences since 1986. With a background in Behavioral Sciences, he left his home in Australia to come to the USA in 1984 to study and live for 2 years at the Kripalu Ashram (as it was in those days) while completing a Masters Degree with a focus on yoga therapy for life transformation.He is the author of two books, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy: A Bridge from Body to Soul and Turn Stress Into Bliss and a contributing author in two American Psychological Association published texts.

What Students Are Saying

Mangadhara M

With Michael Lee's class, I experience self as ONE with breath, movement and thoughts. The more I reach into myself and I reach out and connect with outside. Superb awareness as ONE!

Jul 8, 2024

Becky S

Michael has the absolute feeling of a seasoned teacher, deeply rooted in many years of teaching and personal practice. He is an example of one of the many Gems ompractice has provided to us! Thank you I am grateful for this class.

Jul 8, 2024

Lisa C

Clear instructions to pay attention to what’s happening on physical level, and also mental and emotional. It allows me to explore and get to know myself better.

May 14, 2024

Elizabeth F

Michael Lee is a positive and effective leader. His style and his understanding of the mind & body connection is a wonderful experience. I feel so much at ease and very loose following my session :) Thank you

Dec 26, 2022

More about Michael Lee

With an academic background in the Behavioral Sciences, I've always been curious about how human beings change and grow and this has fueled my passion to explore yoga and meditation as vehicles for life transformation. I left my native home in Australia to come to the USA in 1984 to study further and take a deep dive into the practices living for 2 years at the Kripalu Ashram (as it was in those days) while completing a Masters Degree with a focus on yoga therapy for life transformation. In 1986, I developed Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy and have enjoyed 33 wonderful years training over 2000 practitioners and traveling the world to teach and present at conferences. I am the author of two books, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy: A Bridge from Body to Soul and Turn Stress Into Bliss and a contributing author in the American Psychological Association published text Movement and Expressive Techniques in Clinical Practice and the recently published Yoga Therapy and Integrative Medicine: Where Ancient Science Meets Modern Medicine. I love to travel but also love coming home to my wonderful expanding family. My wife Lori has been a business partner as well as a life partner and generously lent her energies to our desire to share insight, wisdom, and transformation with the world. From what I've learned, I love to teach the yoga of relationship and this aspect of human beingness has a strong presence in my classes. Michael is a contributing teacher for the 100/200-hour Empowered Deeper Studies Programs.

main shot of Michael Lee
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