Published 5/24/2024
Please say Hello to Tryphena Chia, also known as T! She comes to us live from Hong Kong with:
From an 85-year-old student: "Tryphena was so helpful. She helped me get into the poses and let me know what to do when I was not in [the] correct position. I have tried several classes-she is THE BEST."
Who are your classes for? What kind of vibe can people expect in your class? What is your teaching style like?
My classes are for everyone. I try to make my classes accessible to everyone. I like to keep my classes simple & I do not talk a lot in my classes at all. I try to give space & be quiet so I am not filling the space with too many words.
How did you get into yoga? Do you have other favorite types of movement?
I got into yoga when I lived in New York City back in the early 2000s. A friend of mine recommended that I go to yoga to help destress. I also enjoy Pilates & I love running outdoors.
What's the most valuable lesson you've learned from your own practice? What does yoga mean to you?
My most valuable lesson from my practice is to meet myself where I am each time I step on the mat. Some days I enjoy something more dynamic & some days something more stretchy. This allows me to meet myself where I am in life too. Learning to say No when I do not want to over commit myself & saying yes because I really want to do something & not because I just want to please people.
Do you have any pets? We love our #petsofompractice ❤️
No I do not but I wish I do. I LOVE seeing everyone’s pets on screen!
Tell us a bit about your morning routine and what gets you revved up/excited for the day?
I wake up at 4am most days & I roll out my mat & do some stretches while I check on messages from the night before. After my yoga asana practice, I do my voice toning exercise (I have an Indian singing teacher who teaches me how to sing classical Indian music). After toning, I will do some pranayama & meditation before I get ready for my day.
For fun, we always like to have a few extra credit questions:
Most delicious bite of food lately?
Best books on your shelf?
Find T outside of Ompractice at:
Instagram: seeds_of_chia
Facebook: Tryphena Chia
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