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July at Ompractice & Everywhere!

Published 6/26/2024

Are you ready for July? We're going to focus on self-care this month and we think you should too! Lots of good things on the docket!

Our Self Care Challenge launches on the 1st: you can find monthly challenges on the Challenges Tab (currently in your account drop down on the right.)

We've got two special classes planned for you to help you get that challenge badge!

Ompractice July Community Classes: Each week, we have a class that's open to all via our Community Page. These are open to the public without a membership. Have a friend you'd like to share a class invite with? These are perfect for that!

Other July Important Dates

🤣 July 1 International Joke Day: Laughter is a great form of self-care! We're fans of terrible puns and silly jokes around here (the bigger the groan, the better).

🎆 July 4 Independence Day for the Ompractice community in the USA: we'll be gathering with friends and family, grilling, and making the most of the day.

🐱 July 10 National Kitten Day: please consider submitting your feline #petsofompractice so we can feature them all day long on the 10th! Email

❤️ July 24 International Self-Care Day: we'll be featuring self-care tips and ideas all month long, and encourage you join us on Tasha's special strength class on the 24th!

👋 July 30 International Day of Friendship: take a moment to send a note to an old friend you haven't connected with in a while!

A few July Fun Facts for you

  • The "Dog Days" of Summer: The term "dog days of summer" refers to the period from roughly July 3rd to August 11th, from mythology that Sirius, the Dog Star, in the constellation Canis Major, was responsible for these very hot days of the summer. (At Ompractice we like to think that every day of the year is a "Dog Day") [Editors note: clearly one of the team canines snuck in that last sentence.]
  • **Want to participate in some mindfulness in action out in nature? **Get mindful while contributing to citizen science! July is a great month for this! Here in the US, we have the 4th of July Butterfly Count, submit bird sightings to eBird, or participate in your local bat count.
  • A few more "fun days" of note: get excited for SHARK WEEK in mid-July. Okay, we haven't found a great tie in to Ompractice other than we are people who like sharks. (And bad puns, see above.) Why did the shark bring a yoga mat to the beach? Because it wanted to practice its finner peace!

Looking forward to a great month with you all!

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